
There’s a tradition in Mexico called “la mordida” which means “the bite”. Usually, the birthday girl or boy get their face shoved into their birthday cake while everyone yells, “Mordida! Mordida!” In this case, Zaya’s face wasn’t pushed into the cake; but her father playfully encouraged her to bite her birthday cake after the candle went out.

I was standing with my camera in hand watching this unfold, so happy that her father encouraged her to bite right into her cake. However, I had no idea this was a Mexican tradition until I said to her father, “I love that you let her bite her cake!” He then explained to me the tradition and I thought that every child should be able to bite right into their birthday cake, especially Zaya.

Zaya, means fate, destiny, woman who wins and strong fighter which is completely fitting for this beautiful, strong soul. Zaya was born on January 1, 2019 and was delivered during a natural birth. Shortly after delivery, her oxygen levels dropped and she was rushed to a children’s hospital via flight.

Zaya’s parents, Rose and Justin, soon learned that their beautiful baby girl had a chromosomal abnormality called Trisomy 21 (Downs Syndrome) as well as a congenital heart defect called AV Canal Defect. This meant she had a large hole in the center of her heart. Her parents were told that she would be needing heart surgery before six months of age. The next few months were going to be a long, hard road of therapy, treatments and finding the best doctor to perform the surgery.

In May of 2019, just over four months after her birth, Zaya headed to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles for her open-heart surgery.

It was a success.

She is a strong fighter.

She is a woman who wins.

It has been five years since her beautiful, but traumatic entrance into the world; however, her parents have noted that she has passed gracefully through her daily struggles teaching us all more about love, compassion and strength.

While I was in Mexico, I had the pleasure of photographing Zaya’s 5th birthday and in that short time she truly did teach me about love, compassion and left me smiling. She brightens every space she is in, which was made very apparent during her grand entrance into her 5th birthday party in her princess dress.

In fact, during her whole party she was bright.

Every decoration she saw left her beaming.

Every face she saw left her smiling.

Every animal she saw left her giggling.

Every gift she was given left her in awe.

Every bite of her cake left her in complete bliss.

After meeting Zaya, you would never imagine the hardships she has been though. Zaya’s innocence and purity give us insight on how to navigate life. She shows everyone how to be in the moment, enjoy the little things and to fall in love deeply with everything and everyone.

If you ever have the chance to graced by Zaya’s presence, it’s fate and destiny.

Zaya is the Ambassador for Global Down Syndrome | @globaldownsyndrome

Follow her journey on Instagram | @lovelyzayab